We’re excited to announce that Faviki has officialy started to use Zemanta API to suggest possible Wikipedia concepts.

Zemanta is a platform for accelerating on-line content production, by recognizing contextual content and instantly serving relevant images, smart links, keywords and text to the user. Recently they launched an early release of the API and allowed web developers to use Zemanta engine in their applications. The API allows developers to use simple RESTful interface to get suggested images, articles, tags and links in a structured format (XML, JSON, ..) for a given piece of text.

The fact that it suggests Wikipedia links, among others, was particularly interesting to me, so I tested it right away and figured out that it works very well. Now Faviki users don’t have to start from the stretch, because tag suggestions are given through an analysis of the web pages’ content. If a suggestion is OK user just needs to click on the ‘+’ button and the tag is added.

However, do not expect it to do the entire job for you – you are the one who makes the final decision!

We also started using Zemanta on our blog (it can be deployed on all major content publishing platforms). It’s easy to use and it saves time, so we highly recommend it. Great job, Zemanta!

Many thanks to Andraž Tori for the support.

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